- Rail freight service Branched Terminal Facilities (ITE)
Ground agent (TES FGHIJKL)
- Maneuvering wagons in an ITE, station and National Rail Network (RFN)
Ground agent (TES FGHIJKL)
- RFN and Station Works Site
Work Train Support Agent (ATTX)
- Safety operations and departure of a train: RAT, VTE, Brake Test (EF), Train composition report, Brake Bulletin (BF), RFN ISS (Simple Safety Installations) operation, Authorization to access to the RFN
Ground agent (TES FGHIJKL)
ATTX (S9A1 & S9A3)
Level Crossing Agent (PN)
Train driver (freight, works, passenger)
- Other rail services available:
- Infrastructure and site expertise (track, signaling, electrical systems, reconnaissance with specialized drone and track expert) NOT AVAILABLE
- Security check : Rail service - Works site area and railway line
- Security audit : Support for agents - Monitoring of skills
- Railway training - Accreditation
- Site reconnaissance - Opening of rail services
- Skills Recycling - Point Zero
- Corrective action on event - Skills upgrade
- Incident/accident treatment - Search for responsibilities
- Continuing Training Day (JFC)
- Technical Exchange Visit (VTE) of wagons - Recognition of Aptitude for Transport (RAT) of the towed railway rolling stock